Global Workers

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We support 40+ Global Workers all around the world. These individuals, couples and families are serving in local, national and international contexts to help spread the message of the gospel. Read about our Global Workers below and learn how you can pray for them!

Abe & Diane Bible

Global Worker | Ukraine

Since 1990 Abe and Diane have lived in Ukraine, serving both there and in Russia, training and raising up church leaders. They have an intense focus on preparing men to evangelize and plant churches with training at monthly workshops.

Al & Mary Middleton

Global Worker | Airdrie

Al and Mary are founding directors of Dynamic Churches International, established in 1989. Their team has equipped thousands of Pastors/Church Planters and Church Leaders in over 40 countries, focusing on the Philippines, Indonesia, India and in Africa.

Barry Danylak

Global Worker | Calgary

Barry’s passion for single adults began with his service in his local church in Illinois as a young adult ministry leader. After serving eight years as Community Pastor for Single Adults with Centre Street Church, he has followed God’s call to found a new ministry, SEE Globally.

Bota Daletova

Global Worker | Calgary

I came to Canada in 2007 to study accounting and management, and God opened the door for me to join Wycliffe in 2008. Since then, I have lived in Calgary and am using my skills to serve at the home office.

Brent McCarthy

Global Worker | Airdrie

Working from Airdrie, Brent supports a global team at Kalaam Media for Wycliffe Bible Translators. Brent has always loved working with computers and is blessed to be part of what God is doing globally to spread His Word through websites and phone Apps.

Dale & Debbie Kenyon

Global Worker | Bolivia

Dale and Debbie Kenyon have been missionaries for 38 years, serving in various contexts such as church planting among First Nation people in Canada, Sikhs in India and most recently, Latinos in Bolivia.

Dan & Anne-Marie Chapple

Global Worker | Latin America

Anne-Marie and I (Dan) both grew up in Ecuador, South America, as the children of global workers. We met in boarding school, and both felt a strong call from the Lord to serve in overseas missions.

Dan & Bev Mayerle

Global Worker | Calgary

Dan and Bev Mayerle began church planting among their First Nation brothers and sisters 20+ years ago in Calgary. They continue to serve with InterAct Ministries of Canada.

Dan & Kerry Wiens

Global Worker | South Africa

Dan and Kerry participate in the development activities of EMCC World Partners in Africa, including agricultural development and discipleship in South Africa and Ethiopia.

Daphne Natyna

Global Worker | Africa

Daphne serves in Cameroon with Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada, helping locals engage with the Scriptures in the language that they value the most.

Derryl & Karen Friesen

Global Worker | Thailand

Derryl and Karen Friesen serve in Thailand as the Southeast Asia field partner liaisons for Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada.

Doug & Ruth Waugh

Global Worker | Calgary

Doug is the program director of the Worth Auto program at Youth Unlimited in Calgary. He has been working with Youth Unlimited since 2006, helping troubled and disadvantaged youth find their identity in Christ.

Global Worker A & B

Global Worker | Restricted Access

Although we are still free to share the Gospel in many parts of the world, there are some places where global workers are not welcome and spreading the Gospel is illegal. We call these areas “restricted access."

Global Worker B

Global Worker | Restricted Access

Although we are still free to share the Gospel in many parts of the world, there are some places where global workers are not welcome and spreading the Gospel is illegal. We call these areas “restricted access."

Global Worker R

Global Worker | Restricted Access

Although we are still free to share the Gospel in many parts of the world, there are some places where global workers are not welcome and spreading the Gospel is illegal. We call these areas “restricted access."

Global Workers J&C

Global Worker | Restricted Access

Although we are still free to share the Gospel in many parts of the world, there are some places where global workers are not welcome and spreading the Gospel is illegal. We call these areas “restricted access."

Global Workers J&J

Global Worker | Restricted Access

Although we are still free to share the Gospel in many parts of the world, there are some places where global workers are not welcome and spreading the Gospel is illegal. We call these areas “restricted access."

Kaitlyn and Franklin Sequeras

Global Worker | Spain

We have had the joy of seeing God bring about an amazing ministry which we could've never come up with on our own. When God told us to open up a hair and beauty salon, our first thought was, but Lord, neither of us are hair dressers.

Keith & Ruth Ann Elliott

Global Worker | Latin America

The Elliotts help World Partners/EMCC develop reciprocal relationships with partner denominations in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Kelly and Celo Johnson-Gahaya

Global Worker | Victoria, BC

Celo and Kelly are creating a unique mission ministry. After returning from several years serving in Rwanda, Africa developing and overseeing the Lighthouse Counselling and Training Center, they’re now taking their skills and experience to Victoria, BC.

Larry Fjeldstrom

Global Worker | Calgary

Larry is a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators, where he is currently seconded to OneBook’s Calgary office serving in a multitude of ways.

Phil & Carolyn English

Global Worker | Latin America

Phil and Carolyn focus on discipling and leadership training serving with Avant in Mexico. A large part of their ministry is focused on training and mentoring pastors and church leaders.

Rachel Elyas

Global Worker | Calgary

Called to see the Bible translated into all the languages of the world, Rachel Elyas impacts many different translation projects through her work here in Calgary with Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Rob & Sharlene Dilts

Global Worker | Ontario

Rob & Sharlene and their son, Jonathan, live and minister in community with the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn and Golden Lake communities in Eastern Ontario.

Ryan Stockert

Global Worker | Calgary

Ryan and his team are reaching the Film and Entertainment Industry in Southern Alberta by building a church community called "The Underground," where they meet monthly to study scripture and encourage one another.

Stan & Sally Bragg

Global Worker | Ontario

Stan & Sally Bragg have been serving the Lord on the Saugeen Reserve, in Ontario for 20+ years. Our passion is to see First Nation peoples receive healing and hope through Jesus! We desire to represent Christ well, and model true Biblical reconciliation to our First Nation neighbors.

Tibi & Carla Ribi

Global Worker | Calgary

Using his leadership and people skills as the Director of Alberta, Tibor ‘Tibi’ Ribi is based out of Calgary, working with LeaderImpact, the business ministry of Power to Change (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ).

Whitney Schmidt

Global Worker | Three Hills

Whitney grew up going to Centre Street Church, and developed a heart for missions by participating in some of CSC's short-term youth mission trips. At the age of 16 God called her to mission aviation.

God is at work around the world.

Read stories of life change and the latest prayer updates from our Global Workers on the field.