content section Statement of Faith We believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life of perfect obedience to the Father, He died on the cross to pay the penalty for people’s sin, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. In doing so, He provided the only way for people to be rescued from sin and to experience forgiveness and fullness of life, both now and for eternity. Read more in our full Statement of Faith
One Church One Church, Many Locations. Centre Street Church has a total of five campuses (Central, Bearspaw, Bridgeland, South and Airdrie), allowing us to live the mission by reaching deeper into communities in Calgary and Airdrie. Our Multisite Philosophy
Our Denomination Our Denomination We are a part of the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (EMCC), a family of churches across Canada organized to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Learn about EMCC
Board of Governors Board of Governors The Board primarily leads within the Biblical framework in which the head of the church, Jesus Christ, calls upon His leaders to provide prayerful, Spirit-led, servant and gift-based leadership to the work of the church. The Board