Sermons by: Kent Priebe

Gratitude Because of Grace

October 13, 2013 • Kent Priebe

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Christmas Through the Eyes of Mary

December 16, 2018 • Kent Priebe

"How do you respond to the things God calls you to do? When an angel appeared to Mary and brought...

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Pray For Our World

January 10, 2016 • Kent Priebe

"Pastor Kent speaks from James 5:13-20 in this sermon, to stir up our passion, desire, and convic...

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What are you after?

September 02, 2018 • Kent Priebe

"In the final instalment of the 2018 summer series, Pastor Kent Priebe has a look into the f...

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Thy Kingdom Come: Authority Over Evil

May 10, 2020 • Kent Priebe

Matthew 8:28-34 shows us that Jesus holds within Himself total and supreme power and authority ov...

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The Resurrection and the Life

August 03, 2014 • Kent Priebe

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life” to Martha, whose brother Lazarus had died. J...

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The Role You Play

January 22, 2017 • Kent Priebe

In Acts chapter 3, Peter, John and a lame man were each having an ordinary day. Yet, in the midst...

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A Missional Way of Life

January 27, 2013 • Kent Priebe

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Follow Me: Community

August 21, 2016 • Kent Priebe

In this message from the "Follow Me" series, Pastor Kent Priebe speaks on community. Th...

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Fruitful: Gentleness

November 14, 2021 • Kent Priebe

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Where Are You Going?

June 17, 2018 • Kent Priebe

Were you, at one point in your life, closer to the Lord than you are today? In Psalm 1 two lives ...

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December 20, 2020 • Kent Priebe


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