Sermons by: Henry Schorr

Our Good Shepherd Part 4

September 16, 2018 • Henry Schorr

Surveys tell us that millions of people are haunted by fear - the fear of failure, rejection, lon...

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Glorifying God Through Submitting to Authorities

February 26, 2023 • Henry Schorr

What is our responsibility as Christians to those who are in authority over us, including our gov...

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Popular Expectations

January 10, 2021 • Henry Schorr

In our series in the gospel of Matthew we come to a turning point in Jesus' ministry where the pe...

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Loving God with All of Your Heart

April 28, 2019 • Henry Schorr

What is the world? What does it mean to ‘not love the world’ and ‘to love the world’? Wha...

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Our Sovereign God Part 2

September 25, 2022 • Henry Schorr

Romans 9:14-33Was Pharaoh just a pawn on God's great chessboard of life whom God used to demonstr...

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A New Me: No Condemnation in Christ

June 05, 2022 • Henry Schorr

We struggle with believing that God accepts us when we are good but rejects us when we sin. The A...

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Jesus Is Enough (Part 2)

June 25, 2017 • Henry Schorr

This sermon from Colossians 2 continues to examine the various philosophies and religions that se...

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Choosing a Mate (Part 2)

October 01, 2017 • Henry Schorr

Continuing the sermon series on Choosing a Mate, this sermon adds two more principles to the ones...

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The Grace and Justice of God

March 27, 2011 • Henry Schorr

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Choosing a Mate (Part 3)

December 03, 2017 • Henry Schorr

The final sermon is the series on Choosing a Mate, this sermon discusses three more principles th...

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Divided & Distracted

November 06, 2022 • Henry Schorr

Vision Weekend Pt. 2 - Part 1 of this year’s Vision Address concentrated on the ways Satan is te...

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Little Becomes Much

September 27, 2020 • Henry Schorr

Have you ever found yourself whispering or perhaps even shouting "Lord, if your kingdom is h...

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