Sermons by: Ashwin Ramani

Worshipping the One True God

August 18, 2019 • Ashwin Ramani

The Apostle John finishes his letter with this warning: “Dear children, keep yourselves from id...

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Dealing with Failures

August 08, 2023 • Ashwin Ramani

Israel had a huge setback when they violated the terms of their covenant with God after experienc...

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Faith Amidst the Storm

November 06, 2016 • Ashwin Ramani

In this third sermon of the series Faith Arise, Pastor Ashwin talks about how God builds our fait...

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Persecution Has a Face

July 22, 2012 • Ashwin Ramani

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Bold Authenticity

April 02, 2017 • Ashwin Ramani

Jesus' most stinging reprimands were not to those living in sexual sin or those using oppressive ...

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Bold Prayer

March 05, 2017 • Ashwin Ramani

How would the world look differently today if all your prayers this past week had been answered? ...

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The Faithful Church

November 19, 2023 • Ashwin Ramani

The church in Philadelphia remained faithful in the midst of many oppositions. They remained fait...

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Be Expectant

August 03, 2021 • Ashwin Ramani

Jesus guarantees that the gospel of His Kingdom will be proclaimed to all nations before the comi...

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Fruitful: Joy

August 15, 2021 • Ashwin Ramani

One of the reasons we fail to experience joy is because we look for it in the wrong place. Christ...

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Jacob and Esau

March 06, 2016 • Ashwin Ramani

In the second sermon of the “Decisions that Make a difference” series, Ashwin compares the ch...

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What do you want?

July 15, 2018 • Ashwin Ramani

Do you know what you want Jesus to do for you? Most of our desires are mere symptoms of a greater...

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Free at Last

November 20, 2022 • Ashwin Ramani

While the Israelites experienced freedom from Egypt, they were not free to go their own way. Thei...

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