Global Ministries

Vladimir and Yulia Ubeivolc

Partner Church | Chisinau, Moldova
Vladimir and Yulia Ubeivolc
Beginning of Life / Light to the World Church – Chisinau, Moldova

The Beginning of Life team (supported by Light of the World Church) seeks to change the life perspectives of disadvantaged children and their families in Moldova, as well as for Ukrainian refugees. The aim is to provide spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual and material support. Such support enables people to build resilience and to break free from the vicious cycle of trauma and vulnerability. During the latter part of 2023, the Beginning of Life Team and 55 volunteers from the church reached out and supported over 1250 people.

In the same period, working through their “Urban Kids Center”, over 110 kids ages 1-7 were able to grow spiritually through a weekly Child Education Program. Parents received child development training based on Christian principles and values. An “Urban Teens Program” reached out and supported 166 impoverished teenagers from the city neighborhoods. This team also held spirituality and moral education classes in 3 municipal schools. Classes were held to assist 195 refugee women and children find restoration and healing. Assistance was also delivered to eastern and southern Ukraine for over 900 people.

Pastor Vladimir and Yulia’s prayer is that more and more people will come to the Lord through these ministries. They ask that we pray that God would grant them better understanding and wisdom for the work. Please pray that God will bless all these ministries and that they will receive the necessary permissions to continue the work they are doing.

Website Praying? Let us know.