Amanzamtoti, South Africa
The community RRC serves is still struggling to emerge from the dark days of Apartheid in South Africa. It is a community continuing to grapple with racial discrimination, disunity and the legacy of the evil historical system of separation and oppression. So, we serve a radically unequal community with those inequalities running along racial lines and the deep scars of prejudice still evident. But the gospel is the hope both for racial reconciliation and a profound unity not possible in any other way.
The primary call on our church is and will always be the gospel mandate to call all people to be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus and to live the rest of their lives for His glory. In addition to this, we also believe that the prophetic call on our church situated in South Africa, with all its history of separation and oppression, is to urge all those who have been reconciled to God, to also now be reconciled to one another in Christ, thus ushering in God’s kingdom here on earth.
We are a church that is committed to the following core purpose statements and committed to planting many churches that will replicate this vision and these purpose statements:
We are worshipers; therefore God being glorified is our first priority in all things. We are totally reliant on the enabling power of the Holy Spirit because we are convinced that, apart from God, we can do nothing of eternal significance. We believe that personal encounters with God are crucial for life transformation and catalytic in people being activated in serving God.
We exist not just to gather but to mobilize our people to go for God into every sphere of life on God’s mission. There is a call on our church to pioneer ground-breaking acts that will fulfill the great commission both to go into all the world making disciples of all nations & to advance God’s kingdom rule and reign on the earth.
In a broken and divided country, we reconcile people to Christ then also to one another. We are a nonracial, multi-cultural and class-crossing community, meaningfully involved in each other’s lives for the sake of the purposes of Jesus Christ.
We value each person and therefore create space to identify and develop each person's gifts, embracing every diversity God has given, thereby releasing all people to step into the fullness of their God given destinies.
Like a sheltering tree planted by the streams of living water, we draw life from God in order to protect, nurture and sustain others. We defend the cause of the weak, the poor and the needy and we stand firm against injustice.
Praying? Let us know.