Union City Church - Ottawa Ontario
Having lived through 15 years of addiction together we just celebrated 17 years of sobriety. Our favorite part of ministry is meeting with people struggling with addictions and bondage of all kinds and introducing them to a relationship with a God who can truly set them free. UCC hosts a number of community events (sober parties) under Ashes to Rubies and it's amazing to see people's faces when they find out they're in a church and then see them begin to attend church and ultimately, participate in our LifeLab Spiritual Awakening Workshop which is a 5-month discipleship program. We've been thrilled to watch a God-centered 12-step recovery meeting held in our building attract people from AA/NA who are wanting to know more about God. The church's small business 'Carlington Booch' kombucha brewery gives us amazing opportunities to connect with a ton of people and share this message of HOPE. The church/kombucha brewery is open to the public all week and offers connection, community and some pretty amazing conversation!
God has given us the ability to minister to a very specific recovery community demographic who are desperate for hope and healing but also, generally, very church-jaded. We also walk alongside those in the Church battling their own stuff under a blanket of shame and get to see Christians truly set free and to offer a message of HOPE to the lost.
Praying? Let us know.