Global Ministries

Igor and Natalya Himik

Partner Church | Balti, Moldova
Igor and Natalya Himik
The Word of Life Church – Balti, Moldova

The Himiks and the congregation of The Word of Life Church are actively doing the work of the church, preaching the Gospel, helping the poor and expanding the Kingdom of God. Their ministries include children and youth ministries, young adult programs, ministering to the poor, and small group Bible studies. Their summer camp programs were especially fruitful in 2023 as they saw 40 kids accept Christ. In many ways they are helping prepare for the future of the church by sharing Christ with the next generation of leaders and believers.

Many of the members of the church have been taking the “Freedom in Christ” course and are benefitting greatly from it. The church engages in food distribution every Thursday and some people from the community have started to attend Sunday services as a result. The children’s club is drawing kids from the local community. The youth ministry has seen a Bible study organized and is drawing youth even from other cities. God is at work!!

Pastor Igor asks that we pray for the ministries of the church and for the kids that participate in the various programs and events. Please pray for peace in the region and that God would continue to draw people to Himself and build His church!

Website Praying? Let us know.