Global Ministries

Hennadii and Olena Prosianko

Partner Church | Pereschepyne, Ukraine
Hennadii and Olena Prosianko
The Way of Salvation Church – Pereschepyne, Ukraine

This church has an active ministry amongst civilians and the military in the Donbas war zone. The church works to support refugees from the conflict, engage in evangelism and outreach, assist seniors living in poverty, and promote small group Bible studies. In addition, Pastor Hennadii serves as a chaplain to the military on the frontline. This is critical and urgent work given that many of the soldiers that Pastor Hennadii shares the Gospel with may not be alive the next time he visits.

The work done by this church is truly a lifeline to residents who remain in areas that are under daily artillery fire. Each month they distribute food packages, medicine, warm clothes, hygiene products, flashlights, Christian literature, and more. Even a gift of a warm blanket can help save some from illness and death as they spend most of their time in basements and cellars hiding from the shelling. The church has opened a House of Prayer where people can find assistance and a listening ear. The facility includes an “invincibility center” where people can charge their cell phones, get refreshments and come in out of the cold to warm up.

Pastor Hennadii asks for prayers of healing and salvation for those who need God and His mercy during this time of war. Pray that the church will be effective in its ministry to civilians and all those fighting on the frontline. Pray that their distribution of aid can continue despite shortfalls in financing and the complications of war. Pray for protection for Pastor Hennadii and his team as they travel to places where there is no gas, no drinking water, and where they are often under enemy fire.

Website Praying? Let us know.