Global Ministries

Fernando and Ana-Paula Correira

Partner Church | Quebec City, Quebec
Fernando and Ana-Paula Correira
Centre Évangèlique Maison de DIEU - Quebec City, Quebec

We are of Brazilian origin and we arrived in Quebec in 2019. Since then we have been permanent residents and soon we will be Canadian citizens. In September 2024, we will celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary. Our two boys, Matthew and Luke are involved in worship, Matthew plays Saxophone and Luke plays drums. We received Lord's call to ministry at a very young age. After many years of ministry in Brazil and 11 years in Florida the Lord led us to plant a church in the City of Saint-Georges-de-Beauce near Quebec City.

The church, Centre Évangélique Maison de Dieu, predominantly Latino Spanish-speaking, offers a place to meet God and grow together to those seeking a place similar to their cultures. We want to facilitate the immersion and integration of newcomers into the Quebec culture and community, subjects that we consider to be of great value. This region experienced a sharp increase in the immigrant population in 2023. Our celebrations are in Spanish, but we do simultaneous translation into French for French-speaking newcomers and Quebecers that God sends us.

 We want to make an impact in the city by developing sincere relationships by having our arms wide open to welcome, advise, accompany, nourish, and walk together while presenting Jesus as the only mediator and liberator, for a transformation and permanent change in a place where, according to statistics, emotional, spiritual and sometimes physical wounds are still very high today. We want to be a church centered on the truths of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Praying? Let us know.