Global Stories

An Unlikely God Moment

March 29, 2022

Image for An Unlikely God Moment

Where is the most unlikely place you have had a 'God moment'?
One of our Monday Night Evangelism (MNE) team members shares how he had an impactful spiritual conversation with someone at the dump! Check it out!

"The staff member at the dump was there as I got out of my truck to empty it. We made small talk for a bit, and I realized this was a good chance to share the gospel. So, I commented, "All this earthly stuff is nothing. I am just passing through on my way to Heaven. Are you going to Heaven?" He smiled and said, "Yes! I have already been there." I asked, "Do you mind sharing your story?"

He was in an accident over 30 years ago and wasn't expected to live. He remembers going to a place where the temperature was perfect with all white walls, but there were no walls. He said that it "felt so good, and nothing mattered."

He reflected, "If that is where we are going, I want to go back there," and I asked, "do you believe in JESUS?" He said, "Yes, I do!" He had a big smile and said, "I don't share this story with too many people because they always laugh and think I'm crazy."

I agreed and said, "Believing in JESUS will cause challenges from others." I asked if he would be embarrassed if I prayed for him right now, and he said, "not at all." So, I prayed for him right in the middle of all the garbage at the dump with the smell, birds, heavy equipment moving, cold and a few of his peers looking on. When we finished praying, I looked up at him, and his face had lit up. We smiled. He gave me a fist bump, and we went on our way." - MNE Team Member.

How cool is that!!
When we ask God to use us, even at the dump, He will!

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