Events & Classes

Hope Heroes Class

clock 10:00 AM
location Central

A Framework for Sharing Hope with the Brokenhearted

A Hope Hero is an ordinary person who courageously puts aside his or her own personal discomfort with grief, and chooses to hear, see, and love a grieving soul. God’s Spirit equips us with His wisdom to show empathy, compassion, and the hope of Christ. We all need a Hope Hero for our grief journey and to be equipped as compassionate Hope Heroes for others. Hope is meant to be shared. This six-week course will equip you to help ease the burden of your own loss and be equipped as a caring grief companion for others.

When: Mondays, April 29 – June 10 (no class on May 20th)

Where: Central Campus

Time: 10:00 -11:45am

Cost: $15

Register Below!