Events & Classes

Alpha Classes

Image for Alpha Classes

ALPHA is an exploration of the Christian faith. Designed for people who want to explore what it means to follow Jesus, or those who are just beginning their journey with Christ. Topics include “Who is Jesus and why did he die? How do I pray and read the Bible? Who is the Holy Spirit? How can I resist evil?

The format each week begins with a 30 minute video and then discussion of the topic around tables. Come and bring your questions, doubts and ideas, and discover with others who Jesus is and what it means to know and follow Him.

If you or someone you know is new to faith, or wants to learn more about beginning a relationship with God, please register. If you do invite others to join you, be sure to let them know to indicate on their ALPHA registration form that they would like to be part of your group so we can place you accordingly.

If you would like to volunteer for Alpha Click Here!

To get an idea of what ALPHA is about, please watch the two-minute video: 

Registrations Coming Soon!