Articles, Global Stories

Pray with us on #OrangeShirtDay

September 30, 2021

Pray with us on #OrangeShirtDay

Today is #OrangeShirtDay and the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.

The Bible is full of stories of how Jesus calls us to live differently in our thoughts, in our conversations and in our actions. Jesus said that people will know that we are His disciples by the way we love one another. (John 13:35). Not only does Jesus call us to live differently, but he modeled it for us as He consistently crossed racial divides between the Jews, Gentiles and Romans of his time to demonstrate that every person is a priceless child of God, created in His good image (Genesis 1:27). We also see how God used Jesus to intentionally raise up, empower, and give a voice to those that faced injustice, who were devalued, oppressed, and forgotten. God’s heart has always been for all people, and Jesus’ heart breaks at the pain and suffering in the world, and we should allow it to beak ours too.

Pray with us:
God, we ask you to bring Your Truth, Your Grace and You’re Healing. God may your heart for justice and reconciliation become our heart so that through you we can play a part in ending the mistreatment and suffering of Indigenous people in Canada. Show us how to follow You, Jesus, in the way of Love, Grace, Humility, Truth and Reconciliation. We praise you God that you have a better future in mind, full of Hope love and justice. We love you God, and we commit to following you in your ways. Amen.


To learn more, we encourage you to check out some resources from the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, or from our denomination, the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada:

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