Articles, Global Stories

Pray for Turkey & Syria

February 08, 2023

Pray for Turkey & Syria

On February 6, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, followed by several significant aftershocks. We have all been deeply moved by the pictures and videos of ruined homes and ruined lives that have come out in the wake of the disaster. The devastation wrought by the earthquake is being called the deadliest in recent history and it has filled us all with a sense of compassion and a desire to take action.

Here at Centre Street Church, we partner with Samaritan’s Purse, which is a relief agency that provides real, tangible help in Jesus’ name to the people who need it most. They already have plans in motion to deploy a field hospital to help with the immediate need, and we know that they will be there to support those in need during the long road to recovery. We support Samaritan’s Purse and we would invite you to do the same. We will continue to be in contact with Samaritans Purse for ways we can be praying and ways we can be partnering with them.

Please be in prayer for Turkey and Syria and the relief efforts:

  • for God’s protection and provision agencies and emergency response teams on the ground and arriving daily;
  • the injured and families of loved ones who perished;
  • shelter, water and food;
  • the government leaders serving in the midst of chaos.

For more, visit

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