Global Ministries

Keith & Ruth Ann Elliott

Global Worker | Latin America
Keith & Ruth Ann Elliott

For 40 years, World Partners Global Workers Keith and Ruth Ann Elliott have been actively engaged in Missions in Latin American countries. For many of those years, they lived in the countries they served. Since the mid-80s, their primary focus has been to prepare leaders to take pastoral responsibility for their congregations. They have worked with churches that are part of our Global Partner Denominations, the Evangelical Missionary Church of Ecuador and the Missionary Church of Mexico. They also took occasional trips to offer support and encouragement to the Evangelical Missionary Churches in Cuba. Back in Canada in 1998, Keith served as the Executive Director: Missions and Administration in the National office of the EMCC for 8 years. They moved to Mexico in 2006 and worked helping to train pastors until 2010.

In 2011 Keith and Ruth Ann were invited to join the Ecuadorian Church’s Pastoral Care Team. The Pastoral Care Ministry is for pastoral couples struggling with relationship difficulties, and any other issue that they face in their marriage and ministry. The Elliotts work with the team and prepare specifically requested resources to proactively address these issues. They spend their time preparing and giving teaching, counsel and encouragement to Latin American couples who are in pastoral ministry. They now serve with EMCC World Partners as Global Partner Developers for Latin America and the Caribbean living part of each year in Canada and part of each year in Latin America.

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