Global Ministries

Dan & Anne-Marie Chapple

Global Worker | Latin America
Dan & Anne-Marie Chapple

Anne-Marie and I (Dan) both grew up in Ecuador, South America, as the children of global workers. We met in boarding school, and both felt a strong call from the Lord to serve in overseas missions. Since 2004 we have lived and served our sister denomination (the Missionary Church of Mexico) in Mexico. During the first three years we church planted in Mexico City. However, in 2007 the Mexican leadership asked us to move to the city of Puebla and begin a discipleship and pastoral training ministry with their churches and pastors.

In recent years our ministry has expanded beyond Mexico to include partner denominations across Latin America, evangelism and discipleship of Spanish speaking seasonal workers in Canada, and the equipping, mentoring, and care of global workers through a training program called MissionPREP. The varied nature of our three ministry foci allows us to live in Ontario while serving across Latin America via the internet and frequent ministry trips. Living in Canada has prodded us to develop a new stage of leadership development for ministry leaders in Mexico. Through the Semillas Facilitators Team, I am working to develop a small small group of leaders who can help me with overseeing the Semillas classes in their respective areas.

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