Global Ministries

B Church

Partner Church | Central Asia
B Church
Central Asia

B Church is led by a gifted pastor from the Himalayan region. The area served is known as the land of snow, apples and gods and goddesses. This region has a population of 7.5 million people with 35 different dialects. There are 115 people groups and over 19000 villages. The Tibetan government in exile, is operating from this state. Along with the Church ministry, there is a church planting Bible College and Discipleship training School.  The church serves the community through educational training, a Health clinic, Women empowering projects, and skills training.

Around every corner there’s something that catches your eye. The spice markets, friendly faces that are trying to get your attention, or the sound of honking cars driving in a sea of organized chaos. The Himalayan Mountain range is rich in history and rich in culture. It’s full of colour, exotic foods and celebrations. The people are beautiful inside and out. Although many have very little, they are incredibly generous with their time and resources. Nationally, they have a mature church with gifted leaders. The church is rapidly multiplying through church planting in the face of ongoing opposition. It’s not hard to look and find God moving powerfully. 

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